102. Xiao Yun, Zheng and Angelakis, A. N., 2018. The Greek Island: A Epitome of European Water History. China Water Resources Daily, September 20, 2018 (in Chinese).
101. Sklyvaniotis, M. and Angelakis, A. N. 2017. Cities of the Future. Water Matters, EurEau (The European Federation of National Water Services), Brussels, Belgium, pp. 58 & 59.
100. Salgot, M. and Angelakis, A. N., 2016. 6th IWA Newsletter: SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 34, .
99. Salgot, M. and Angelakis, A. N., 2015. 5th IWA Newsletter: IWA SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 30,
98. Angelakis et al., 2016. Note on Water Reuse History. In: 6th IWA Newsletter: SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 22-31,
97. da Conceição Cunha, M., Mays, L., Salgot, M., and Angelakis, A. N., 2016. Conclusions of the 4th IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations, September 17-19, 2016, Coimbra, Portugal. In: 6th IWA Newsletter: SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 5-
96. Kaiafa-Saropoulou, M., Voudouris, K., Lolos, J., and Angelakis, A. N., 2015. Hydro-technologies in Hellas: Aquaducts in Roman period. School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotelian Univ. of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. ?? .
95. Kalavrouziotis, I. K. and Angelakis, A. N., 2015. Editorial. In: Water and Wastewater Environmental Issues: Past and present. Inter. J. of Global and Environ. Issues, Vol. II, (I. K. Kalavrouziotis and A. N. Angelakis, Eds.), pp. 1-2.
94. Kalavrouziotis, I. K. and Angelakis, A. N., 2015. Editorial. In: Water and Wastewater Environmental Issues: Past and present. Inter. J. of Global and Environ. Issues, Vol. I, (I. K. Kalavrouziotis and A. N. Angelakis, Eds.), 14 (3/4): 175-176.
93. Salgot, M., De Feo, G., Kalavrouziotis, and Angelakis, A. N., 2014. 4rd IWA Newsletter: SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 25,
92. Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Water and wastewater management in ancient Greece. Greek Ethos, Greek Olympic Society, Columbus, Ohio, V (18), p.11.
91. Kalavrouziotis, I.K. Karapanagioti, H. K., Leotsinidis, M., De Feo, G., Sibetheros, Y., and Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Conclusions of the 1st IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions and Culture. Patras, Greece. In: Newsletter of IWA SG on WWAC, 2014 (M. Salgot et al., Eds.),
90. Maskaleris, Th. and Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Nikos Kazantzakis and Nature With Emphasis on Water. The Chinese Social Sciences Today. Beijing, China (in Chinese).
89. Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Evolution of Water Supply in Ancient Crete, Greece Through the Centuries: Lessons and legacies. The Chinese Social Sciences Today. Beijing, China (In Chinese).
88. Kalavrouziotis, I. K. and Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Prolegomena. In: e-Proceedings of 1st IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions and Culture. Hellenic Open Univ., Patras, Greece, pp. iii-v.
87. Benqlilou, H. and Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Conclusions of the 1st IWA Workshop on Traditional Qanats Tecnologies, in Marrakesh, Morocco, 24-26 October 2013. In: Newsletter of IWA SG on WWAC, 2014 (M. Salgot et al., Eds.),
86. Angelakis, A. N. and Rose, J., 2014. Prolegomena. In: Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater Management through the Centuries. IWA Publishing, London, UK, pp. xxvii-xxix, (in press).
85. Kalavrouziotis, I. K. and Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Prolegomena. In: e-Proceedings of IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions and Culture. Hellenic Open Univ., Patras, Greece.
84. Angelakis, A. N., 2014. Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Ancient Greece: Learned from the past. Guang Ming Daily, Beijing, China, 08/01/14, p.16 (in Chinese).
83. Angelakis, A. N. and Zheng Xiao Yun, 2013. Editorial. Probing the past and facing the future. Special Issue of Water Sci. and Techn., Water Supply, 13(2): 561-563.
82. Angelakis, A. N. and Nikiforakis, M., 2012. Evolution of Water and Wastewater Technologies in Crete, Greece Through the Centuries. Greek Photographic Association.
81. Koyuncu, I., De Feo, G., Ozturk, I., Koutsoyiannis, D., Mays, L., and Angelakis, A. N., 2012. Conclusions of the 3rd IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations, Istanbul, Turkey, March 22-24, 2012. In: Newsletter of IWA SG on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC), IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 5-8,
80. De Feo, G., Salgot, M., and Angelakis, A. N., 2012. 3rd IWA Newsletter of IWA SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 1-16,
79. Angelakis, A. N., 2012. Wastewater Recycling and Reuse in EU Countries: Necessity for Establishing EU Legislation. In: .B.L.A. Workshop on The Quality of Recycled Water and its Application in Agriculture, Limassol, Cyprus, April 27, 2012.
78. Angelakis, A. N., Mays, L., Koutsoyiannis, D., and Mamassis, N., 2012. IWA Publishing Book on The Evolution of Water Supply Throughout the Millenia. Water 21, February 2012, pp. 43.
77. Angelakis, A. N., Mays, L., Koutsoyiannis, D., and Mamassis, N., 2012. Prolegomena: The Evolution of Water Supply Throughout the Millenia. IWA Publications, London, UK, pp., xxi-xxii, .
76. Angelakis, A. N., 2011. Principles of Water Supply and Sewerage in Minoan Crete: Lessons and Legacies. Pigi, Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Athens (EYDAP), Athens, Greece, 63: 40-43.
75. Angelakis, A. N., 2011. Recycling treated municipal wastewater: Current situation, Opportunities, and Legislative framework. Pigi, Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Athens (EYDAP), Athens, Greece, 62, pp.16.
74. Angelakis, A. N., 2011. Water Resources Management during the Minoan Era: Lessons and Legacies. Triptolemos, 31: 9-14.
73. Angelakis, A. N., 2010. Wastewater Recycling and Reuse in Mediterranean Region: Recommended Guidelines. Arab Water World (AWW) Magazine. Vol. XXXIV, Issue No. 9, September 2010, p. 38 and 39, .
72. Angelakis, A. N., Salgot, M., Paranychianakis, N. V., and De Feo, G., 2010. Prolegomena: The Past is the key for the Future. In: Newsletter of IWA SG on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC), IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 3-4,
71. Angelakis, A. N., 2010. The Evolution of Water Supply in Ancient Crete, Greece: Legacies and Lessons. In: Meeting on Water, Life, and Culture, Municipality of Neapolis, Neapolis, Crete, Greece, 09 and 10 July, 2010.
70. Angelakis, A. N., Salgot, M., Paranychianakis, N. V., and De Feo, G., 2010. Newsletter of IWA SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 1-24,
69. Angelakis, A. N., 2010. Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Crete, Hellas. Arab Water World (AWW) Magazine. Vol. XXXIV, Issue No. 7, July 2010, p.12, .
68. De Feo, G., Laureano, P., Drusiani, R., and Angelakis, A. N., 2010. Water and Wastewater Management Technologies in the Ancient World: Conclusions. In: Newsletter of IWA SG on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC), IWA SG on WWAC, pp. 5-8,
67. Angelakis, A. N., 2010. Water Supply and Sewerage and Drainage Systems in Minoan Civilization. .
66. Angelakis, A. N. and Monette, P.-Y., 2009. EUREAU Statistics Overview on Water and Wastewater in Europe 2008 (Edition 2009): Country Profiles and European Statistics. EUREAU (European Federation of National Associations of Water & Wastewater Services), Brussels, Belgium, pp. 96.
65. Angelakis, A. N., 2009. Water Recycling and Reuse: International experience. In: Workshop on Water Recycling and Reuse with Emphasis the Necessity for Establishing Regulations. Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage. Rethymnon, Greece, 5 and 6 November 2009.
64. Angelakis, A. N., 2009. Technologies of Water Resources and Wastewater in Minoan Crete. In: Water Economy. Institute of Inter-scientific Research. Greek Letters Company, Athens, Greece, pp. 47-60.
63. Angelakis, A. N. and Nikiforakis, M., 2009. Photographic Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations 02-20/06/09. Prefecture of Rethymno, Rethymnon, Greece, pp.1- 32.
62. Angelakis, A. N. and Nikiforakis, M., 2009. Photographic Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations 15-31/05./09. Prefecture of Chania, Chania, Greece, pp.1- 32 (partially In Greek).
61. Angelakis, A. N. and Nikiforakis, M., 2009. Photographic Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations 15.03-06.04.09. Prefecture of Lassithi, Agios Nikolaos, Greece, pp. 1-30 (partially In Greek).
60. Angelakis, A. N., 2008. Water and wastewater Services in Hellas. In: Water Resources, Water Supply, Water Treatment, and Wastewater Treatment. Bulgaria Water Association. Sofia, Bulgaria, p.51-57 (in Bulgarian).
59. Angelakis, A. N., 2008. Wastewater Recycling and Reuse. In: 4th TIF Business ECO FORUME on “Public Authorities and Environment. XELEXPO, Thessaloniki, Greece, 07-09 September 2008,Αγγελάκης.pdf .
58. Karstonas, N., Drosis, D., Papakostantinou, A., and Angelakis, A. N., 2008. Management of Biosolids in Hellas: An Introduction. In: Management of Biosolids. Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems (Tsichritzis, et al., Eds.). Larissa, Greece, pp. 9-28.
57. Angelakis, A. N., 2008. The Role of the Greek Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Wastewater Services in the Management of Water Resources with Emphasis on Potable Water. In: Leakage of Water in Water Supply Networks: Problems and Challenges. Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems ( Kanakoudis, et al., Eds.). Larissa, Greece, pp.23- 30.
56. Angelakis, A. N., 2008. Water Reuse Technologies. In: Desalination Technologies for Water Supply. Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems ( Karamoutzis, et al., Eds.). Larissa, Greece, pp.17-28.
55. Antoniou, G. and Angelakis, A. N., 2008. Bathrooms and other Sanitary and Purgatory Structures in Ancient Greece. In: IWA Newsletter of IWA SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC,
54. Angelakis, A. N., Salgot, M., and Paranychianakis, N. V., 2008. 1st IWA Newsletter: SG on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). IWA SG on WWAC,
53. Angelakis, A. N., 2008. Water Resources Status in Greece: Introductory Speech. EUREAU Workshop on Climate Change Impact on Water Resources with Emphasis on Potable Water, Chania, Greece, 26 June 2008.
52. Sala, L., Angelakis, A. N., and Lazarova, V., 2007. Water Recycling and Reuse: Good Practice Examples in Southern Europe. In: 6th IWA Specialist Conf. on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability. Guiding the Growth of Water Reuse. Book of Abstract. Antwerp, Belgium, 9-12 October, 2007,
51. Lyrintzis, A. G. and Angelakis, A. N., 2007. A History of Water and wastewater Technologies in Ancient Greece. In: Shaduf Project: Traditional Water Techniques. The SHADUF Project Funded by EU, DG RES., Russells, Belgium, CH. 11: 223-251.
50. Angelakis, A. N., 2007. Climate Changes and Water Resources: The Role of Greek Municipal Enterprises in the Development and Use of Non-conventional Water Resources. In: Annual Meeting of Hellenic Union of Greek Municipalities. Kastro Kyllinis, Greece, 14-16 November 2007, pp. 13.
49. Angelakis, A. N. and Durham, B., 2007. Water Recycling and Reuse in EUREAU Countries: New Water Reuse Projects to Regulate ‘Climatic Changes’ and to Face Droughts. XV European Conference H2OBIETTIVO 2000, Europe for Water; Tasks and Solutions, Florence, Italy, 7th and 8th June 2007.
48. Angelakis, A. N., 2007. Management of Water Resources in Crete: Problems and Prospectives. In: Proc. of Development, Planning, and Environment of Greek Islands, Crete, Greece. Technical Chamber of Greece, Depart. of Eastern Crete, Iraklion, Greece, pp. 321- 325 (and presentation) .
47. Angelakis, A. N., Koutsoyiannis, D., and L. W. Mays, L. M., 2006. Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations: Conclusions, In: Proceedings of the 1st IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations, Iraklion, Greece, 28-30 October 2006, pp. 3.
46. Angelakis, A. N., 2006. Welcome Presentation. In: 1st IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations, Iraklion, Greece 28-30 October 2006.
45. Angelakis, A. N. and Nikiforakis, M., 2006. Photographic Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations 25.10-15.11.06. Prefecture of Iraklion, Iraklion, Greece, pp. 26 (partially In Greek).
44. Angelakis, A. N., 2006. Water Recycling and Reuse in EUREAU Countries: Why is recycled water so important to EUREAU? EUREAU Workshop on Water Reuse (Why is water reuse important?), 01/06/06, Oslo Norway.
43. Angelakis, A. N., Durham, B., Lazarova, V., Marecos do Monte, M. H. F., Salgot, M., Wintgens, T., and C. Thoeye, C., 2006. Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse in EUREAU Countries. Necessity for establishing EU-guidelines. EUREAU, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 45.
42. Angelakis A. N., 2006. Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems, with Emphasis of those based on Land Application. In: 1st Hellenic Meeting on Small Wastewater Treatment Systems (Zoumpoulis et al., Eds), 07-09/04/2006, Portaria, Greece, pp.33-42.
41. Angelakis, A. N. and Paranychianakis, N. V., 2005. Reuse of Treated Wastewater: Necessity for Establishing Guidelines. In: Decentralized Management of Wastewater, Karditsa, Greece, 14-14 October, 2005, pp. 1-15 , .
40. Angelakis, A. N., 2005. Water Recycling and Reuse in Mediterranean Region: A Water Scarcity Best Practice Solution In: Med-Reunet Workshop. 12 and 13 May, 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
39. Angelakis A. N. and Bazza, M., 2004. Establishment of an International Center for Research and Technology on Water Recycling and Reuse in Kuwait. FAO, Regional Office for Near East, Cairo, Egypt, pp. v, 60.
38. Kamizoulis, G., Bahri, A., Brissaud, F., and Angelakis, A. N., 2003. Wastewater Recycling and Reuse Practices in Mediterranean Region: Recommended Guidelines,
37. Angelakis, A. N., Paranychianakis, N. V., and Tsagarakis, K. P., 2003. Prolegomena: Water Recycling and Reuse in Mediterranean Region. Water Sci. Tech., Water Supply, 3(4): vii-viii, .
36. Angelakis, A. N., 2003. Management of Wastewater by Natural Treatment Systems with Emphasis on Land-based Systems. In: Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse; Seminar and Symposium LIFE 99/ENV/GR/000590. Anatoliki and others, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 79-106.
35. Angelakis, A and Zahoueh, S., 2003. Report on National Workshop on Irrigation with Treated Wastewater. FAO of UN, Syria Office, Damascus, Syria,, 34.
34. Angelakis, A. N., 2002. Welcome Presentation. In: IWA Regional Symposium on Water Recycling in Mediterranean Region, Iraklion, Greece, September 26-29, 2002.
33. Martijn, E. J., Huibers, F. P., Fayyad, M., Khassab, G., Angelakis, A. N., and van Lier, J. B. 2001. Appropriate agricultural use of treated effluent under semi-arid climate conditions. In: Memorias curso internacional de aguas residuales / IHE-Delft. - Universidade del Valle, Colombia, .
32. Tzanakakis, B. A. and Angelakis, A. N., 2001. Planning of a Wastewater Slow Rate Treatment System under Various Plant Vegetation. In: Proc. of Conf. on Integrated Water Management, Cyprus 11-13 May 2001, pp. 123-131.
31. Tsagarakis, K. P. and Angelakis, A. N., 2000. Experience from Collection and Evaluation of Data Relevant to the Wastewater Treatment Plans in Hellas. In: Intern. Workshop on Statistical Sciences. Hellenic Statistical Services & Eurostat, Athens, Greece, October 9-10, 2000, p. 9.
30. Tsagarakis, K. P. and Angelakis, A. N., 2000. Potential Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse in Hellas. IWA. Water Recycling and Reuse Specialist Group. Newsletter June 2000, pp. 11-12.
29. Tsagarakis, K.P. and Angelakis, A. N., 2000. Selection of Methods and Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment. The Capital Water and Sewerage Company (EYDAP), Athens, Greece, pp.15.
28. Dialynas, G., Chartzoulakis, K., Diamadopoulos, E., Borboudakis, M., Papadoyannakis, N., and Angelakis, A., 1999. Management-treatment of Wastewaters from Olive-oil mills: Constructed Wetlands. National Foundation for Agricultural Research, Iraklion, Greece, pp. 30.
27. Papadopoulos, A., Papadopoulos, F., Parissopoulos, G., and Angelakis, A. N., 1999. The Experimental Facilities of Natural Systems for Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse in Thessaloniki. In: Management of Wastewater and Solid Wastes, Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage, Larissa, pp. 101-110.
26. Dialynas, G. E., Angelakis, A. N., and Diamadopoulos, E., 1999. Treatment of Wastewater with Enviroment-Friendly Systems: Decentralized Systems and their Operation and Management. In: Management of Wastewater and Solid Wastes, Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage, Larissa, pp. 71-84 .
25. Tsagarakis, K. P. and Angelakis, A. N., 1999. Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Hellas. In: Management of Wastewater and Solid Wastes, Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage, Larissa, pp. 57-70 .
24. Angelakis, A. N. and Kotselidou, O., 1999. The Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage and their Role in Effective Facing of Local Problems. In: Management of Wastewater and Solid Wastes, Hellenic Union of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage, Larissa, pp. 9-12.
23. Angelakis, A. N., Romano, P., and Chartzoulakis, K., 1999. Artificial Recharge of Groundwater with Treated Wastewater influents. Hellenic Geological Society. Xanthi, Thrace, Greece.
22. Tsagarakis K.P., Mara D. D., Horan N. J., and Angelakis A. N.,1998. Wastewater Treatment Technologies in Hellas. European Research Conference on Natural Waters and Water Technology, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, 3-8 October 1998.
21. Angelakis, A. N., 1998. The Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Status in Hellas. IAWQ SG on Wastewater, Recycling, and Reuse. Newsletter. November 1998, pp. 3-5.
20. Tsagarakis, K., Dialynas, G. E., and Angelakis, A. N., 1997. Reclamation and Reuse Possibilities of Municipal Wastewater: International and National Experience. Network of Wastewater, National Techn. Univ., Thessaloniki 13-14 May, 1997.
19. Dialynas, G. E. and Angelakis, A. N., 1997. Decentralized Small Systems for Wastewater Management: Experience from USA. Network of Wastewater, National Techn. Univ., Thessaloniki 13-14 May, 1997.
18. Paranychianakis, N., Roubelakis, J., and Angelakis, A. N., 1997. Potential for Wastewater Reuse in Landscape Irrigation. Green and Quality of Life. Geotechnical Chamber of Greece/Branch of Crete, Iraklion, Greece, pp. 15.
17. Angelakis, A. N. and Issar, A. S., 1996. Prolegomena. In: Diachronic Climatic Impacts on Water Resources with Emphasis on Mediterranean Region (A. Angelakis and A. Issar, Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. v-vi.
16. Angelakis, A. N., Asano, T., Diamadopoulos, E., and Tchobanoglous, G., 1996. Prolegomena: Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse: Planning and Technologies. Water Sci. Techn., 33 (10-11): ix-x, .
15. Tchobanoglous G. and Angelakis, A. N., 1995. Greeks Realise Reuse Potential. IAWQ, Water Quality Intern. no. 4, p. 26.
14. Angelakis, A. N., Papadopoulos, A. G., and Asano, T., 1995. Wastewater Reuse Comes to the Hellenic World. IAWQ, Water Quality Intern. no. 2, pp. 33.
13. Angelakis, A. N., 1993. Integrated Water Resources Management. In: Water Resources Management in Crete. Greek Geotechnical Chamber, Dept. of Crete, May 27-28, 1993, Chania, Greece, pp. 98-108.
12. Angelakis, A. N., 1993. The Necessity of Reclamation and Reuse of Municipal Wastewater Effluent in the Mediterranean Region. Technica, 85: 41-48.
11. Angelakis, A. N., 1989. Quality of Irrigation Water. In: Fertility of Soils and Plant Nutrition. Greek Geotechnical Chamber, Iraklion, Greece, pp. 104-140.
10. Angelakis. A. N., 1989. Transport Contaminants under the Surface. Technical Univ. of Crete, Chania, Greece, pp. 50.
9. Angelakis, A. N., 1989. Natural Treatment Systems of Wastewaters Effluents, Technical Univ. of Crete, Chania, Greece, pp. 81.
8. Angelakis, A. N., 1987. Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater in Relation to Soil Application. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agric., Iraklion, Greece, pp. 26.
7. Angelakis, A. N., 1987. The 25th Meeting of the European Committee of FAO for Agriculture and the Use of Marginal Waters for Irrigation. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agric., Iraklion, Greece, pp. 24.
6. Angelakis, A. N, 1987. Movement and Transformation of Contaminants in the Soil and Sub-soil Environment. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agric., Iraklion, Greece, pp. 46.
5. Angelakis, A. N., 1986. Evapotranspiration Losses in Various Agricultural Crops. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agric., Iraklion, Greece, Series 113, pp. 82.
4. Angelakis, A. N., 1986. Management of Wastewater Effluents by Applying to the Soil. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agr., Iraklion, Greece, Series 13, pp. 80.
3. Angelakis, A. N., 1985. Some Aspects on Management of Water Resources in Crete. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agric., Iraklion, Greece, Series 111, pp. 14.
2. Angelakis, A. N., 1985. Water Resources Pollution in Crete. Reg. Agric. Service of Crete, Ministry of Agric., Iraklion, Greece, Series 109, pp. 27.
1. Angelakis, A. N., Scott, V. H., and Scalmanini, J. S., 1977. Energy Consideration and Conservation in Coordinated Use of Surface and Ground Water. Dept. of Water Sci. and Engin., Univ. of Calif., Davis, Calif., pp. 5.